I’ve been traveling quite a bit this past month so I have many shoots I can’t wait to share!I traveled to Taylor Texas for a surprise party for Heidi’s mom!
A little backstory: I’ve known Heidi and Aaron since my senior year in highschool. Heidi was my volleyball coach and Aaron was a teacher at our school. Don’t ask me how long ago that was.The funniest part of my playing volleyball is that I played basketball extensively for 3 years in highschool, and when we moved my senior year I had little to no training whatsoever in volleyball. You might think my history as a basketball player would help, but it totally didn’t. This 6ft teenager in highschool knew how to play defense and do layups, block people out, etc. But I couldn’t for the life of me spike a volleyball.
Heidi used to tell me just jump straight up and you’ll scare them. Ha! Needless to say the only thing I was noted for was digging. I could do a mean dig. That’s about it.
I am always very honored when people I have known ask me to cover their events or take their family photos. It means so much to me because they are trusting me to help build their legacy. That can start with having prints in an album or something to share with our future generations. I can’t tell you how many times my youngest pulls out our photo albums and looks at all the photos I have saved and printed over the years. I love that!!
So Heidi and Aaron asked me to come out to her mom’s surprise birthday party in Taylor Texas to take photos of everyone together. Most of the siblings and their families drove in from out of town and one family even came in from Florida! I easily counted 40+ people there. It ended up being a really warm day after a bunch of rain and cold front but we pushed through it.
Heidi and Aaron, your kids are not so little anymore.I remember Reagan was the smallest and now he has a little baby brother. And little Chad is SO cute!! It was so nice to meet your family and catch up a little bit too!
The post Wilson Family Birthday Surprise in Austin, Texas appeared first on Jennifer Pitts Creative.
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