This morning I woke up challenged by my coach, Courtney once again. She asked us to post something inspiring to us in our May group challenge and I decided it was too good not to share! Here is my Monday motivation:
Yesterday marked 4 years since I faced one of the biggest obstacles in my life. Well, besides childhood. 😂 No, but seriously, my mom is super mom when I think about how she raised all three of us children on her own. But four years ago, I had surgery on my back. It was the most humbling thing ever and so physically painful to walk. I used to run races. In fact, a year before back surgery, I finished my first half marathon. I felt like nothing would ever take away that feeling. A year later I started having trouble standing up straight. Walking. Lifting. Sitting.. The burning feeling was awful. I was pretty scared. We tried multiple ways to fix it-thank you insurance for making me exhaust every other effort before you let me have surgery.. lol. Physical therapy, injections, medicine, rest, etc. My back had gotten worse. I couldn't walk across the room. I remember the pain still. Normally you can forget pain when it's gone. Nope. Still remember that feeling. It was then decided I needed to have the surgery. I had an amazing surgeon. Thank you, Dr. Rumi!! Fast forward 4 years later.. I'm stronger than I EVER thought I would be. I can run around with my kids, do workouts and lift weights, stand or sit for extended periods of time, and I have an amazing chiropractor that helped me after surgery with all the post surgery woes. One day I want to get back into 5ks- they tell me I should stick to speed walking- I'm okay with that. I can walk. I can lift. I can jog for short periods of time. God is so good. Even though I don't understand why it had to happen to me, I found HIS strength through my weakness, the determination my mother taught me to overcome this, and I'm well on my way back to the "old Jen", but the "new Jen" is even stronger. What is stopping you from your passion this morning? What baby steps can you do to overcome or achieve that passion? You are stronger than you think! Start this Monday morning motivated. Make it happen. ☺❤
Check out Triceps and Tutus on fb for some healthy motivation and tips!
The post Be Strong, Be Fierce, Be Passionate appeared first on Jennifer Pitts Creative.
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